Sunday 26 April 2020

remnants II

Further drawings in the series of supernovae remnant drawings. I have spent the greater part of the morning and afternoon photographing drawings and adding them to this online diary; the process has been supremely satisfying. Later, I shall return to the series of solar eclipse drawings that I am making on creamy white Lokta paper, in the cool of the sitting room. However, it would be a pity not to experience the Spring glory of our little wild garden, so I shall repair outside and sit on the step of the patio, where I can breathe the Lily of the Valley scented air. These beautiful plants came from the lodge; when I knew we were to move, I dug up some of each of the plants growing in the garden there, and transplanted them in this Somerset garden. The transplantees have taken to the new soil, and the lovely Lily of the Valley have naturalised beautifully. I would that I were able to pick a posy of them for my mother, but the advice from the Government is to remain at home and avoid meeting with family and friends, particularly if they are members of the vulnerable groups. My mother is vulnerable, and although she craves our company, we are obliged to withold it for the present, however painful that may be.

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