Friday, 8 May 2020

studio May 7 evening

My work place on a calm, warm evening, blackbirds fluting in the garden beyond the open window. This evening's finished drawing lies on the notebook from which it has just been removed. Work proceeded calmly today, I took pleasure in colouring in each small square, to the accompaniement of the cries of birds and the delicate occasional chiming of the wind chime suspended in our immediate neighbours' garden.

 Dusk is my favourite time of day. I remember winter dusks at the lodge, the red stain of the setting sun on the horizon, the crackle of the fire in the grate within. Now living in a semi detached house, with other houses surrounding, our situation is very different, but I take comfort in hearing the sounds of our neighbours going about the end of day business, and the plentiful birdsong in our urban gardens.

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