Wednesday, 5 October 2011

two clouds almost the same

This drawing also dates from 2006, and is another of the drawings to survive the purge I exercised upon a good many of the cloud drawings made during the years in Hampshire, drawings made whilst living at Garston's Lodge, and at my parent's home. It appears to me now to be a lighthearted drawing. I cannot remember exactly when I made it, but I can remember where I would have made it. I was very likely to have been sitting at the elaborately carved and inlaid table that my partner and I used both as a dining table, and work table; we sat each at either end, engaged in our respective pursuits; I would be drawing, my partner working at the computer, which was set up at the other end of the table.
To my left was the bay window, with a view of the front garden, the copse and the field falling away just beyond the garden boundary. The field dipped to the river Whitewater which curved around the bottom of the field, before winding through the private woods which we could just see in the distance.
I had time during the days in which to draw, to gather wood, to tend the garden, to look after the house. In the Autumnn and Winter we burnt wood from the surrounding copses on the grate in the front room, and gathering wood was a routine of everyday life. I took pleasure in this task, and I would usually be accompanied by our three cats, who enjoyed the procedure of wooding, and the warmth of the fire when our labour was done.
My most favourable time for drawing was in the afternoon, when my mood was lightest, and the tasks were completed. Then I would settle myself at the table, knowing that I had several hours of uninterrupted time in which to work, the cats in the adjoing room for company, before my partner returned home. I have never before, nor since experienced such a sense of rightness about my work, and life, as I did during those drawing afternoons at the lodge in Hampshire, which is when and where the drawings I still have were made. Apart from my parental home, it was the best place in the world.

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